
Richards Homewares Closet Accessories 12 Belt Hardwood Hanger Walnut (1-Pack) (Kitchen)

Amazon US
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Price: $7.34
Last Change: $8.00 [down] 8.25% (24 Jul 19:28)
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Product Information

Manufacturer: Richards Homewares
Model: 75532
List Price: $6.99
Min: $0.00   (05 Jun 13:26)
Max: $0.00   (05 Jun 13:26)
Sales Rank: 29013
Changes: 367


  • Color: Walnut
  • Size: 7.5" H x 16.5" W x .75" D
  • Hardwood with 12 chrome hooks
  • Swivel hook hangs over your closet rod

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Created: 05 Jun 13:26
Updated: 26 Jul 07:30