
Vicool hy7525 Porcelain Enameled Steel Grill Cooking Grid Grates for Weber Spirit 300 series Spirit 700 Genesis Silver B/C Genesis Gold B/C Genesis Platinum B/C Genesis 1000-3500 Models ()

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Price: $39.99
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Product Information

Manufacturer: Vicool
Model: hy7525
List Price: $39.99
Min: $0.00   (05 Jul 04:48)
Max: $0.00   (05 Jul 04:48)
Sales Rank: 17223
Changes: 0


  • Product Dimensions: 11 3/4" x 17 1/4" Each cooking grate
  • Product Material: Porcelain-enameled Steel, Set of 2 grates
  • Fits: Weber Spirit 300 series, Spirit 700, Genesis Silver B/C, Genesis Gold B/C
  • Fits: Weber Genesis Platinum B/C (2005 model Year) Genesis 1000-3500 models
  • Attention: Make sure you measure the size and check the shape of your original parts and compare with ours BEFORE you order.

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Created: 05 Jul 06:13
Updated: 26 Jul 12:05