
Bear Butt Double Parachute Camping Hammock, Blue / Gray ()

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Price: $35.97
Last Change: $26.00 [up] 38.34% (16 Jul 00:28)
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Product Information

Manufacturer: Bear Butt
List Price: $0.00
Min: $0.00   (02 Apr 04:47)
Max: $0.00   (02 Apr 04:47)
ASIN: B019O3V228
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Changes: 10


  • DOUBLE PERSON BACKPACKING HAMMOCKS WILL FIT AND HOLD A LARGE GRIZZLY BEAR.. Fits a small baby up to Shaquille O'neal(if you don't know who that is, don't buy our outdoor hammocks) 10' x 6' legally bound to say it holds up to 500 pounds but we have tested for over 900 pounds and it fits 2 people comfortably(not just business class comfortable but first class comfortable)
  • SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT, SMALL, COMPACT, STRONG FOR EASY TRAVEL, CAMPING & SET UP Fits in attached stuff sack and weighs about 1 pound. We tested these nylon camping hammocks with a Lion and they didn't rip or tear. So ultralight and small that my 8 month old baby thinks it's a stuffed animal.
  • COLLEGE STUDENT, HIPSTERS, NON HIPSTERS, GRANDMAS, CAMPER ENTHUSIASTS & AVERAGE JOES AND JOSEPHINES are hanging, chilling, resting, sleeping, reading, shooting 6 point deer, cuddling in the new Bear Butt
  • WHY WOULD I BUY FROM A COMPANY CALLED BEAR BUTT? WHO IS BEAR BUTT? We aren't the big superstar company that will constantly ignore you and treat you like another "dollar dollar bill." We are a 5 man NBA All star team working our BARE BUTT's off to provide you with real customer service. We hook it up with coupons, contests, tips/tricks, a listening ear and someone to play catch with.

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Created: 02 Apr 04:47
Updated: 26 Jul 00:29