
Gardman 8415 Aztec Sun and Moon Wall Art, 26" Long x 24" Wide (Lawn & Patio)

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Price: $32.48
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Min: $20.23 (16 May 15:13)
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Price: $32.48
Last Change: $25.41 [up] 27.82% (09 Jul 18:55)
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Product Information

Manufacturer: Gardman
Model: 8415
List Price: $32.48
Min: $20.23   (16 May 15:13)
Max: $32.48   (08 May 04:12)
Sales Rank: 54239
Changes: 235


  • Unique artworks' bold colors and vivid shapes capture attention in any setting
  • Differing gold, silver and bronze colors provide an aged effect
  • Durable steel construction will provide years of use
  • May be hung indoors or out
  • 26" Long x 24" Wide x .50" High

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Created: 17 Aug 22:12
Updated: 26 Jul 12:55