
SimpleHouseware 30 Spice Gripper Clips Strips Cabinet Holder - 6 Strips, Holds 30 Jars ()

Amazon US
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Price: $9.87
Last Change: $10.87 [down] 9.19% (23 Jun 12:06)
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Product Information

Manufacturer: Simple Houseware
Model: CO-002-1
List Price: $15.99
Min: $0.00   (23 Jun 07:34)
Max: $0.00   (23 Jun 07:34)
Sales Rank: 1065
Changes: 1


  • Includes 6 strips (color: 3 Black & 3 White)
  • Quality Adhesive: Each strip has 5 clips with pre-applied 3M LSE tape
  • Additional screws included for extra secured
  • Strips can be tailored to fit your space, get your spice bottles organized like a spice rack does
  • Fits most standard round containers from 1.5" ~ 1.75" diameter

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Created: 23 Jun 08:12
Updated: 26 Jul 12:08